Non-Fiction: All Listings 

Results 101 - 200 of 316 This Category
All Listings
A Walk with Heavenly Spirits

Allison Stevens became a Christian at a young age. Then she makes a wrong decision that takes her on a collision course of disappointment and heartache. God loves her and wants her back, but Satan wants to keep her in a life of despair and lies. Heavenly Spirits are sent by God to instruct and remind Allison of God’s promises. Can she walk the path God intended for her and find the joy that’s miss ...

Category Inspirational
Did Giants Really Exist Worldwide?

The topic of giants often comes up among thoughtful people. Some believe the subject is a bit “on the fringe.” But it’s essential for truth seekers to gain valid research information to understand this disputed but historically revealed phenomenon fully. If giants really existed throughout the world, there should be plenty of evidence to support the premise. Right? Did Giants Really Exist Worldwid ...

Category Non-Fiction
I Love You...but Own Your Sh*t!...the Confessions and Evolution of a Trauma-kazi

At no more significant time in history are we more aware of the trauma, suffering, and shitty pain people desperately try to work with. We hear the phrase, "Everyone is walking under a cloud — so be kind." This is true, and many are being kind. Yet ...

Category Non-Fiction
The Little Love That Could

This new book is about teensy-weensy firecracker love... love that, when ignited, produces a burst of fireworks and lights up someone’s dark night. It’s about feet-on-the-ground, sky’s-the-limit, life-changing, world-engaging, mustard-seed love that grows from a hunch, an idea, a nudging from above—and then blossoms in the willingness of a heart to act on its sometimes-wobbly faith. Such audacious ...

Category Non-Fiction
Self-Publishing on KDP the Write Way

Be a successful author! You've written your first book. Now what? Are you overwhelmed with all the advice and resources out there on self-publishing? It can be very scary when you don't know what you need to know. Even if you only write because you have a burning passion to create, once you publish a book, you want people to read it. To get readers, you must get sales. And this book will tell you ...

Self-Help Sucks. The Anti-Self-Help Guide to Inner Peace and Contentment

Are harmful habits and addictions ruling your life, no matter how hard you try to control them? For those whove read every self-help book out there with no results comes the anti-self-help book that will finally allow you to affect real and lasting change. Because while self-help sucks, claiming the aid of a Higher Power and the support of others can lead to recovery, inner peace, contentment, and ...

Category Non-Fiction
Step Lively: New York City Tales of Love and Change

Step back in time to 1980 in New York City. “Step lively” – what the subway conductors used to say when you got off the train -- describes Jill, as she and her husband Alex “step lively” in adjusting to their new life in Manhattan. In their move to the city, they realize a long held dream, and struggle like all of us, to find their place in the world. Each tale is a slice of life of the “ordinary, ...

Phalaenopsis Care for Beginners

EASY STEP BY STEP GUIDE FOR GROWING PHALAENOPSIS ORCHIDS! “Phalaenopsis Care for Beginners” is your simple hassle-free guide for growing, blooming, and propagating your magnificent Phalaenopsis orchids! Are you constantly struggling to make your orchid grow and bloom properly? Or maybe you have a brand new Phalaenopsis plant and you have no clue what to do with it? Worry not! This is exactly ...

Category Non-Fiction
England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England

Have you ever dreamed of journeying through England, but despise off-the-shelf travel experiences? Unsure of which sites to pick when your visit is short? Battling with preparation but yearning for the freedom of exploration? With over twenty-five years traveling to England, author and seasoned traveler, Christy Nicholas, has transformed her love for the less explored corners of England's pictures ...

4 Years Trapped in My Mind Palace

Diagnosed with a rare form of meningitis, a teenage boy is paralyzed from head to toe—trapped in his own mind. To cope with his imprisonment, he retreats to an imaginary world called his Mind Palace, but the lines between reality and time start to blur when he receives a new roommate—an old, outspoken, Jewish jazz musician with dementia.

Category Inspirational
Golden Monkey

Little Lance Pototschnik wanted to grow up and play pro football, but that pipe dream got smoked by his lethargic growth hormones and a terrible skin disorder. The death of his childhood aspirations did, however, plant the seeds for Lance to find comedy in rejection and suffering. In this gaspingly funny collection of stories, Lance’s battle with disease, his overbearing parents, and his maniacal ...

Category Non-Fiction
A Chemical Engineer in the Palm Oil Milling Industry

Palm oil is a big business. Palm oil has been widely used in food and non-food industries. More than half the products on sale in supermarkets are made with palm oil—yet many people hardly know anything about this industry. They don’t even know chemical engineers have a significant role to play in this industry. This book provides a series of episodes for you to discover the opportunities chemical ...

Where Leads the Road

In my life I have been fortunate enough to experience many unusual and varied things. I have always liked poetry and have tried to capture the range of emotions that everyone lives through. I hope people like my clumsy attempts, but as long as they generate some response in the reader, I feel that my job has been done. "“WHERE LEADS THE ROAD is a collection filled with one man’s thoughts about the ...

Category Non-Fiction
Write, Publish, Promote

WRITE, PUBLISH, PROMOTE is the complete guide to building a successful indie publishing career. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, this is all you need to write, publish and launch your book to bestseller status in one hit! Over the last 4 years, Debrah Martin has written and published 9 books. WRITE, PUBLISH, PROMOTE will be her 10th. It’s been a steep learning curve from novice writ ...

Category Non-Fiction
Plantains and the Seven Plagues: a memoir: Half-Dominican, Half-Cuban, and Full Life

Author Paz Ellis takes readers on a cross-cultural and trans-generational journey through her childhood in New Jersey to adulthood with Plantains and the Seven Plagues, A Memoir: Half-Dominican, Half-Cuban, and Full Life.Paz insightfully describes the complexities and contradictions of growing up in the United States to a Dominican mother and a Cuban father. From her mother’s obsessive cleaning ri ...

Category Non-Fiction
The 4 Foundations of Love

 What makes a couple stay together and feel they have found the One? What makes a random encounter exceptional? How can you know if you have chosen the right person? And how can you avoid wasting precious time?

The book ‘The 4 Foundations of Love’ is based on a fascinating study, in which a great number of successful couples were interviewed for one purpose: ...

Category Non-Fiction
Butter Yourself Up: Joyful Meal Planning for Busy People

Meet yourself where you are, and make each day delicious! This special planner has a full, undated week on one side of each two-page spread, so that you can start achieving your goals and dreams any time -- not just at the new year. The other half of the spread helps you meet your goals around food, with a money-saving guide to planning your meals around YOUR needs and schedule. (The Kindle versio ...

Category Non-Fiction
Become An Author In 29 Days: The No-Nonsense Guide To Writing & Publishing Your First Non-Fiction Book

There’s A Great Book Inside Of You…Let’s Get It Out! I know you’ve got an amazing story to tell – and a book screaming to be published. I also know that you’ve got some psychological blocks to doing the work, doubts about sharing your writing with the world, and worries about how long the whole process is going to take or how much it’ll cost. I know because I’ve been there. Every author has been t ...

Category Non-Fiction
*more than a footnote: Women neglected by history

Throughout recorded history, and before - women have been there. Many have been leaders, innovators, and the foundation for the evolution of modern society as we know it now. Often their stories have been overlooked, diminished, or hijacked to someone else's resume.

This book is a celebration of a few of the female geniuses,...

Category Non-Fiction
Waiting on Faith

FROM THE AGES OF PIRATES IN THE CARIBBEAN TO THE FREE SPIRIT OF THE 1960s, a woman's journal spreads the hope of forgiveness and grace across the ages. Captured by the pirate Gaspar and held captive for ransom, Magdalena is taken from everything she knows.
What began as a welcome journey to the new Americas turned into a nightmare for the ship's young women. Unsure of what had become of the r ...

Category Inspirational
How to Start a Cargo Van and Box Truck Business

How to Start a Cargo Van Business and Box Truck Business is a guide to get you started in a successful cargo van company.

Category Non-Fiction
Seventh Dimension Series Full Box Set: Books 1-6

The Seventh Dimension Series Full Box Set includes The Door, The King, The Castle, The City, The Prescience, and The Howling. The Seventh Dimension Series has won over thirty-five book awards. "Time is an illusion until God's appointed time," is the major theme based on A.W. Tozer's quote in The Pursuit of God: "A spiritual kingdom lies all about us, enclosing us, embracing us, altogether within r ...

Category Inspirational
A Beginner's Guide to Investing and Personal Finance: Manage and Grow Your Personal Wealth (Smart Money Book 1)

Is Your Lack of Financial Acumen Holding You Back From The Life You Deserve? Unfortunately, books on the subject tend to be overly complicated, and lengthy. This book includes just the most important financial principles needed to quickly enhance a beginner’s money management acumen and even contains actionable items to help you learn the concepts. Unlike many of the personal money managemen ...

Category Non-Fiction
Marketing For Entrepreneurs and Small to Medium Businesses

This book is for start-ups and established companies who want to grow their business. Create winning approaches to the market. Avoid common pitfalls, saving time and money. Eliminate waste on unproductive tactics. Accelerate revenue growth and success. If you want to thrive in today's dynamic environment, then you'll enjoy reading this book.

The Strange Ways of Providence In My Life

Happy childhood, horrors of war and the miraculous rescue of the only child survivor from Obertyn Krystyna Carmi's childhood in Obertyn was full of happy moments. Her childhood was filled with friends, both Polish and Ukrainian, and she attended a Ukrainian school. Krystyna Carmi was gifted with an extraordinary memory, and in this memoir, she vividly recounts the history of her family and her lif ...

Category Non-Fiction
Love Your Clutter Away: A step-by-step guide to gently letting clutter go for good

Do you want a home that makes you feel happy and peaceful? Love Your Clutter Away offers a detailed, easy-to-read solution to overwhelming clutter. The “secret” to this book is to focus first on loving yourself. Regardless of how much clutter you have, it’s very difficult to let go of clutter when you feel terrible about yourself. If you constantly berate yourself about your clutter and your life, ...

Category Non-Fiction
Ireland: Mythical, Magical, Mystical

Yearning to delve into the mysteries of the Emerald Isle? Skip the tourist traps and unearth new ways to delight in its legendary landscape. Have you dreamed of visiting Ireland but hate canned tours? Overwhelmed by which marvels to choose when short on time? Struggling with planning but don’t want to be beholden to a guide? Author and seasoned traveler Christy Nicholas has turned her passion for ...

Adventure for the Joyful Spirits!

The former Archangel of the arts, Lord Xuohs, has been deceiving dwellers of many lands in order to be allowed inside them. When Xuohs enters these lands, it redesigns these places in many ways, such as changing the color of the sky, repositioning rainbows, reforming flat oceans into fortresses, making frozen wastelands into festive paradises, manipulating gravity, and even creating new species. I ...

Category Inspirational
3mph: The Adventures of One Woman's Walk Around the World

Polly Letofsky left her Colorado home and headed west across 4 continents and over 14,000 miles--by foot--to become the first woman to walk around the world. In a spirit of adventure, along with the goal of raising global awareness for breast cancer, strangers welcomed her into their homes. The world had embraced her. But in the middle of Polly's journey, 9/11 flung us all into a crossroads in wor ...

Body Language of Lasting Love

This is a book in the Christian Dating market and explores how the five senses play a major role in the dating process and finding the right person, specifically by how non-verbal communication affects the relationship.

Category Non-Fiction
Genealogy Tips and Quips

From USA Today Bestselling Author Eliza Watson!

In 2007, a twelve-day trip to Irelandmy ancestors homelandturned out to be the most significant turning point in my life. I never dreamed when I embarked on my adventure it would lead to me becoming a genealogist, meeting dozens of Irish rellies, writing two fiction book series set in Ireland, and buying a renovated 1887 schoolhouse in my ...

Category Non-Fiction
The Shell of a Person

"Never have disgusting, miserable living conditions been so funny. When someone finally finds a way to send back a report from hell, I hope it will be Lance Pototschnik. Except this guy is going to heaven, for the way he writes." --The Kindle Book Review “Welcome to beautiful Costa Rica! Come and experience our diverse wildlife. Exhume nests of dead baby turtles and stay up all night while mosquit ...

The Art of Finding Truth, One Mans Journey Through Love Life Grief and Joy

'The Art of Finding Truth' explores one man's personal journey towards speaking his truth and highlights the numerous stories from his career that will encourage and inspire you to find your own truth and peace within. This is a riveting real-life story about one man's courageous journey towards embracing his truth through war and peace, hardship and strength, injustice and love. The story starts ...

Category Non-Fiction
Lincoln on 'Negro Equality'

In his 1858 campaign notebook, Abraham Lincoln opens a revealing window onto his antebellum political thinking about emancipation, abolition, and black social and political equality. During the heat of his celebrated contest with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln compiled a pocket memorandum book addressing not just slavery but "the substance of all I have ever said about 'negro equality'"—the i ...

Category Non-Fiction
Cold: Essays on Love, Faith, Family and Other Dangerous Pursuits

Victoria Dougherty comes from the ultimate Cold War family – daring escapes, backyard firing squads, communist snitches, bowlfuls of goulash, gargoyles, gray skies and bone-chilling winters. In Cold, Dougherty writes essays with humor and raw soul. About the heart-rending stories she grew up hearing at her dinner table and the two-hanky drama that played on in her home. She ponders how her family’ ...

Category Non-Fiction
Occam's Racquet

Written by tennis teaching professional, Marcus Paul Cootsona. Occam's Racquet focuses on the twelve most important parts of the physical and mental games of tennis. No matter what strokes you use, the ideas in here will make you the most effective player you can be.

Category Non-Fiction
The Samurai Listener

Justice, courage, loyalty, self-control: these are more than words limited to the study of ancient wars and the martial arts. They are essential to the workplace wars we face daily. So, what if you could use the way of the Samurai in your daily life---especially at work? The martial arts skills of the Samurai revolve around politeness, self-control, and honesty. By using these traits as business s ...

Category Non-Fiction
No Second Chances

No Second Chances is one man`s story, told from his point of view regarding his first-hand experiences in the School of Hard Knocks. If you like thrillers, you`ll probably like this book...

Although it is non-fiction, its style has none of the dry, documentary-type language. It is compelling and entertaining, all while enlightening the reader.

You`ll read about a young, 20-year- ...

Category Non-Fiction
How to Travel the World While Earning a Living Online

How to travel the world and make money online. No job, no boss, no hassles. Details on travel and money, how it works, what you can do and how to get started. No get-rich schemes here. This book includes doable and proven ways others are earning a living with mobile offices Each recommended industry is suitable for earning a living while traveling. Each methodology is proven, tested and is verifia ...

Category Non-Fiction

Shitolian is a collection of my poetry, the third book in a series of 4. Shitolian’s themes explore politics, religion, spirituality, racial divides in today’s America, and lessons learned through my meaningless existence thus far. I must inform you that the book does contain some adult language. It is my personal statement to this divided America. It is a 76 page manuscript consisting of 5,038 wo ...

Category Non-Fiction
I Was Just a Radioman

Their hearts were strong, and their courage endless. Pearl Harbor survivor, Black Cat radioman, and decorated WW 2 veteran. ARM H. P. Lawrence, tells the true story of the fight against the Japanese in this compilation of his memoirs. One of only a handful of non-Native American code-talkers, H. P. Lawrence became a member of an elite fighting force, the Black Cats. Flying in their nocturnal missi ...

Etsy Business Launch

Ready to build the Etsy shop of your dreams? Regardless of where you’re starting from, you can launch, grow, and scale a successful Etsy business in less time than you could imagine with this practical step-by-step guide. In this in-depth and "no fluff" guide, you'll learn: • How to perform effective market research to ensure your shop will be profitable from the start • The easiest ways to set up ...

Category Non-Fiction
Damn the Diets: Why “Clean Eating” Failed You, How Fad Diets Destroy Your Life and What to Do to Recover

Former Fitness Model and Bikini Competitor Kayla Rose Reveals her Secrets to truly Being Healthy, Fit, and Happy with Your Body. I “looked” healthy and fit from the outside..but felt like death on the inside.. that’s NOT true health.. Through my journey, I came to discover the thing that would bring me the most health and sanity, was to break free from the dangerous restrictions, rules, dietary li ...

Category Non-Fiction
Be Your Greatest Self: The guidebook to enlightenment and realizing the legendary life

Peace of mind, vitality, health, happiness, empowerment… they’re all related. They’re functions of our belief systems, for beliefs guide our actions and thereby shape the lives we live. Beliefs are also how we see the world, thereby forming the constraints of all joy. Beliefs are paramount within our life experience; they are the difference between our limited and greatest self, and what stands be ...

Category Inspirational
Feasting on Canada Day :A selection of recipes to celebrate this ocasion

Más de 40 páginas de recetas de la cocina canadiense, que incluyen desde primeros platos hasta deliciosos postres. perfecto para recordar viejos tiempos o para matar el hambre.

Money Physics and Distributive Justice

Can physics explain the economy? Many people believe that there is a lot of money in the world and that its distribution among people is unjust. Most people also believe that the reason for economic crises is an inherent illness of the system or the result of misguided or even tricky actions that can be avoided. In this book, it is argued that the amount of money in developed countries is zero, th ...

Category Non-Fiction
Let Your Spirit Shine - Psychic Protection in an Unsettled World

In challenging times, our spiritual defenses often falter, leaving us feeling drained, stressed, and disheartened. Yet, even in the midst of adversity, there are empowering strategies we can embrace to rejuvenate our spirits and fortify our auras. "Let Your Spirit Shine: Psychic Protection in an Unsettled World" explores time-honored techniques designed to boost our vitality, reinforce our energet ...

Category Non-Fiction
Invoke The Elements

The word “balance” can sometimes leave us rolling our eyes at the idea, even though we may not be that satisfied or really enjoying all we want in life. So what if there was a way to manifest your own version of an aligned life? Balance isn’t some elusive ideal that only an enlightened few gets to find. By unearthing your unique blend of natural energies, you can get away from the feelings of o ...

Category Non-Fiction
You Deserve Better :Success in real-life negotiations!

What if you could always get people to do things your way? You Deserve Better will teach you specific strategies and tactics designed to improve your negotiation and persuasion skills. Contrary to popular belief, intuition and life experience are not enough. Academic studies have shown that concrete knowledge from behavioral and social science can be brought to bear as you learn how to persuade an ...

Category Non-Fiction
Full Color Life: How to Live a Creative, Balanced Life

Have you ever asked…What if I could work for myself? How can I pursue my creative dreams? How do I become more successful? The idea of being creative triggers mixed reactions. Some people admit to feeling a passion for creative activities, but modestly claim their efforts aren’t good enough. Others shake their heads as if to push the thought away and say they have to make a real livin ...

Category Non-Fiction
Love At First Sight - A Mother's Journey to Adoption

Adopting a child is one of the most rewarding, satisfying life experiences a person can have. It is an unconditional commitment of love both ways. This memoir depicts Raj Arneja's story of becoming a mother, the journey that took her 7,000 miles from her home on the west coast of Canada all the way to India in the 1990s to adopt her now fully-grown children. This is not a how-to book on adoption; ...

Let Go and Heal: Recovery from Hurt and Emotional Pain

Sometimes life can present difficulties that leave you feeling unbalanced and with unresolved, festering emotions, or perhaps you have never fully let go of events from the past. We’ve all been told “just let it go”, yet it’s been hard for you to do that. This book shows you how. Let Go, Heal, Be Happy helps you learn about emotions and human nature, gain insight, develop new beliefs, heal, and ul ...

Category Non-Fiction
GodPrints: Finding Evidence of God in the Shattered Pieces of Life

“No. No. No. The state troopers had finally figured out where Jacob was—the morgue. Would we lose Caleb too? Oh, God. Please, no. We can’t lose them both in one night.” Having survived stage 4 cancer, Jenny Leavitt thinks she’s endured the greatest test of her life. Little does she know that her worst nightmare is still to come. In a single moment, a collision with a drunk driver takes the life o ...

Category Inspirational
Reckless Traveler

Reckless Traveler: an autobiographical novel of adventuring in South America, sure to delight anyone with a passport. Perú and beyond: Through the alchemy of travel, youthful folly may bring disaster or wisdom . . . and more. The instructional travel guide for aspiring backpackers: learn how to bribe police, avoid malaria, and find employment abroad -- and what to do (and not to do) when ar ...

Category Non-Fiction
The Horse That Haunts My Heart

A coming of age memoir: A horse-crazy girl growing up in the Midwest, Deborah Smith Parker longs to live a cowboy’s life in the West. When she turns 13 her parents allow her to live her dream on a western ranch where she meets her first love -- a horse named Tank. After a bumpy start, their extraordinary relationship begins to emerge, complete with the poignancy, hilarity and drama that tested rel ...

Intermittent Fasting: Built To Fast. Your True Intermittent Fasting Guide

Are you tired of food addictions that sap your energy and make you overweight? Discover a simple science-based system to tone your body, curb your cravings, and lose those stubborn pounds. Is your love of carbs lowering your energy? Have you heard of the benefits of fasting but you want to make sure you do it safely? Author and nutritionist Emily Moore first discovered the time-honored practi ...

Ambition: The Missing Attribute in Your Employees

These connections between ideal and reality, and how to bridge the common gaps between the two, is what sets Ambition's lessons and approaches above other motivational business books. Examples come from both real world scenarios and Cheryl Johnson's own life, adding concrete details on exactly how to create the type of 'culture of learning' promoted in Ambition. Examples range from problem-solving ...

Category Non-Fiction
Parenting in the 21st Century: A Horror Story

Parent and Educator, Barbara Woster, takes you on a journey through the joys and trials of being a parent. Whether you're contemplating having a child, you're a new parent, or you are seeking advice on how to contend with your teenager, the author offers advice on surviving your children from birth until they fly the coop.

Category Non-Fiction
A Romance for Christmas

Can you fall in love again when the love of your life has gone? A year ago on Christmas Eve, the love of Dara's life passed away in a tragic accident, leaving her with their three-year-old daughter. Though insurance paid off the house and provided the basics, there wasn't much left over. A car accident drained finances and cost her missed work. She's hoping for a chance to go back after the new ...

Category Inspirational
Warrior Girls Do It Standing Up: Your Racy Guide to Create Total Awareness, Empowerment & Prosperity in All Areas of Your Life

You were guided to pick up this book for a reason. Nothing in your life is a coincidence. This edgy guide to creating complete awareness, enlightenment, empowerment, prosperity and growth in all areas of your life, from love and finance to your mental well being, is the last tool you will ever need to finally move forward toward living your very best life – in your truth as your authentic, powerfu ...

Category Non-Fiction
5 ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS: How to balance your life for health, success and content

This book unveils an amazing theory. Our lives have five dimensions that are essential for living a healthy, successful, and tranquil existence. These are our financial, social, internal, physical, and spiritual affairs. This book offers insight into helping us recognize the five life dimensions. It will teach us h ...

Category Non-Fiction
There Are No Bibles in Heaven: Walk and Talk with God All the Time, Just like You Will in Heaven

Discover how heaven having no Bibles could have a life-changing impact on your relationship with God now. Explore God’s relationship with His children in heaven and throughout history, which dramatically changed starting in the fourth century, profoundly impacting how we commune with the heavenly Father today. Have great conversations with the Father anytime you like and walk hand-in-hand with God ...

Category Inspirational
Confessions of a 3-Day Novelist

Want to finish writing your books faster? Learn the tricks that bestselling authors use to succeed! In 2011 author Laura Roberts wrote an entire book in just 72 hours, as part of the 3-Day Novel Contest. Upon completing the challenge successfully, she knew she'd found a great new way to write books quickly, and wanted to share her secrets with the world. In this book you'll learn: *How to write an ...

Category Non-Fiction
Everyone Is an Entrepreneur: Selling Economic Self-Determination in a Post-Soviet World

Westerners today grow up with abundant opportunities to determine their own values, identities, and roles in society. But for generations, millions who lived under Soviet rule in the USSR had these essential freedoms withheld, determined instead by a central authority that claimed the right to choose for them and enforce compliance. Thirty years after the Soviet Union’s decisive collapse, the old ...

Category Non-Fiction
A Love Song for Kayla

When two strangers cross paths their lives are forever altered. Kayla Russel has all but given up on finding love until a new guy to town walks into her flower shop. There is something mysterious about him that intrigues her, but when she finds out the truth everything changes. Derek Parker wants to leave his old life behind, but it proves to be harder than he'd anticipated when his past finds him ...

Category Inspirational
Pacific Cove Haunted Visions

Naomi & Jason Sanders, move to Pacific Cove Ranch shortly after their wedding. Prior to her graduation from college, Naomi’s younger sister is killed in a hit and run accident. Naomi is having a hard time accepting her loss, and the isolation of her new surroundings bring a new type of terror; haunted visions that keep her on edge terrifying her. Is Naomi being tormented by her own inner ...

Category Inspirational
Agents Are Liars!

Learn to spot the 39 lies that real estate agents use to rip you off. If you're a home buyer or seller and want to save thousands of dollars and avoid being taken advantage of, then you're in the right place. But first, a warning: If you believe in using the real estate agent you always have, this audiobook probably isn't for you. On the other hand, if you want to learn how real estate agent ...

Category Non-Fiction
Bounce! Don't Break... Stories, reflections and words of encouragement through times of change - with special features for Military Wives

With five specific tactics to bounce back quicker from setbacks, Bounce! Don't Break... shows the way to navigate the choppy waters of change and often end the journey in a better place than where you began.

Category Non-Fiction
The Rancher's Mistletoe Bride

Wedding planner Lexi Harrington needs a manager for her inherited Wyoming ranch. Clint Romine is the perfect man for the job, but the ruggedly handsome cowboy soon presents a new dilemma—distraction. Lexi can't fall for a small-town rancher when she's planning to return to her big-city career after the holidays. Home has always been elusive for former foster kid Clint. Working alongside Lexi at Ro ...

Category Inspirational
Scars Among Us

Catherine is a dream come true for her parents. Their first born child is their most precious gift. The love and joy they feel for her is obvious to everyone who knows them. When tragedy unexpectedly hits, Catherine's world is turned upside down and the course of her life is forever changed. In this heartbreakingly powerful memoir, Catherine goes back to where it all began. Following the tragic de ...

Category Non-Fiction
Born Into Crisis

In his debut memoir, “Born Into Crisis” (Burning Soul Press, May 2, 2023), pastor and community organizer Kenneth Nixon Jr. discusses the necessary steps to healing and breaking free from the cycles of family traumas. Drawing from his own experience with dysfunctional family dynamics, Kenneth uses his story to call attention to the need for systemic change in our mental health system. The Ameri ...

Piecing Fabrics-Mending Lives: History, Philosophy and Ingenuity of Quilters

Every quilt tells a story. Within its stiches are the dreams, the challenges, the tears and the joy of the quilter. Binding the fabric is the history of the circumstances that propelled many woman-hours of creation. Cleo Lampos seeks to understand the stories of these textile masterpieces. She looks beyond the initial stunning design to investigate the imagination of the quilter, the cultural issu ...

Category Non-Fiction
A Father Offers His Son

Have you ever wondered why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son in Genesis 22? The Angel stopped Abraham showing God did not intend for him to kill Isaac, but what did God desire? God wanted to test Abraham, and readers will discover the account primarily reveals: --In human terms what God would do with His Son two thousand years later --The many ways Abraham and Isaac are a picture of God and H ...

Category Inspirational
CHOOSE AGAIN!: You Are Far More Than You Have Come To Believe!

This is a True Story that will stir your emotions! A True Story that will rejuvenate you by its Magnificence! By reading this book, you will be Advancing Your Consciousness and therefore World Consciousness! 

A True Story about how an Inmate in a Nazi Death Camp by the name of Wild Bill Cody - Thrived! I first heard this story from my friend, Dr. Michael Ryce, who said he read it i ...

Category Non-Fiction
I Am Changing Careers: Questions to Guide a Job Seeker

"I Am Changing Careers" is a series of questions and answers based on the author's job-hunting experience that will encourage and motivate you on what works to get hired. Topics include choosing your career, getting hired, how to take care of your health, and what to do once you have the job. The roadmap at the end of the book provides a 2-week daily checklist of how to implement the book's conten ...

Category Non-Fiction
Frankly My Dear: Creating Unforgettable Characters

It doesn't matter if your writing style is planned, spontaneous, or somewhere in between--it's the character and conflict that sells! Character and conflict hooks in studio execs, holds an editor’s attention, and draws in readers, compelling them to turn the page. So what is the secret sauce? How can you hack into ...

Category Non-Fiction
Marriage God's Way

God wants your marriage to be a joy and blessing, but you must embrace the principles in His Word! Nearly everything in life comes with instructions--from the cell phones we use to the automobiles we drive. Yet when it comes to marriage, many people struggle without proper guidance. Couples experience pain and conflict when love and joy should flourish. The good news is there are instructions for ...

Category Non-Fiction
Here & Now: A Whimsical Take on God

Author, illustrator and humanist thinker Jeff Stilwell takes us on a journey that begins in ancient history, in the land of Ur, where God making was all the rage. Pursuing that thread through the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to the present day, we discover that we don't need to make up gods to explain things anymore. Since we all come accessorized with an expiration date, ...

Category Inspirational
Scotland: Stunning, Strange, and Secret

Yearning to delve into the mysteries of the Highlands? Skip the tourist traps and unearth new ways to delight in its legendary landscape. Have you dreamed of visiting Scotland but hate canned tours? Overwhelmed by which marvels to choose when short on time? Struggling with planning but don’t want to be beholden to a guide? Author and seasoned traveler Christy Nicholas has turned her passion for t ...

Become a Medical Intuitive

"After reading this book I found I was able to boldly take the steps necessary to follow the path I have chosen." - Fiona, Verified Purchaser

This book provides a complete training experience to become a medical intuitive. Each chapter advances you, step-by-step, to intensify your psychic abilities and develop your x-ray perception. A medical background is not ne ...

Category Non-Fiction
And Still I Cry

The moving, inspiring story of Barbara A. Robinson's journey from poverty to the State Senate. Suffering through abuse from her stepfather; on-the-job gender, age, and racial discrimination; homelessness, rape and other modern horrors, Barbara's determination and faith makes her an inspiration to her community and everyone who hears her story.

Category Non-Fiction
The Apology (Lighthouse Church Fathers)

Let this first-person apologetic take you back in time to the Roman Empire. Translated into English from the original Latin work written at the turn of the 2nd-3rd century AD, The Apology (Latin: Apologeticum or Apologeticus) is Tertullian's most famous work. In this book, Tertullian, the founder of Latin Christian theology, defends the Christian Church during the Roman Emp ...

Category Inspirational
Making Photography Easy and Fun: Ten Top Tips to Bring out the Photographer in You

Enthusiastic photographers of all levels aspire to take good quality photographs that capture their subject's spirit, reflecting what they felt and remembered about the experience. To create memorable photographs, one needs to start with the basics. With ten essential and easy to understand tips, this book explains how to use your digital camera and take better photos of your favourite subjects ...

Category Non-Fiction
3mph: The Adventures of One Woman's Walk Around the World

Polly Letofsky left her home in Colorado and headed west across 4 continents and over 14,000 miles—by foot—to become the first woman to walk around the world. As an awareness campaign for breast cancer, strangers welcomed her into their homes. But it was never an easy road. Polly struggled with earthquakes, muggings, languages, even religious riots. The ultimate challenge came in the middle o ...

DIY Homemade Beauty Products Omnibus

MORE THAN 500 NATURAL ORGANIC BEAUTY RECIPES FOR THE WHOLE BODY! What are you going to find in this book? - Universal face masks for all skin types. - Lotions and cremes for oily, dry, and mature skin. - Anti-aging and rejuvenating serums for the face and eye contour. - Natural remedies for acne, pimples, blackheads, etc. - Gentle whitening treatments for brighter complexion and radiant skin. - Un ...

Category Non-Fiction
Good Influence: How To Engage Influencers For Purpose And Profit

In Good Influence, two-time GRAMMY nominee and veteran marketing executive, Paul M. Katz, shares the tools and strategies he’s used to harness the power of influencers for 100+ social good campaigns. A practical and entertaining guide filled with case studies and anecdotes from his storied career.

Category Non-Fiction
WAR STORIES: Tales of Courage, Leadership, Blunders, and SNAFUs

The first nonfiction book by award-winning novelist Martin Roy Hill, WAR STORIES describes acts of great heroism and acts of pure blundering, intrepid leadership and self-serving vainglory, brilliant wartime technological developments and not so brilliant ideas. Some will awe the reader with their inspirational stories. Others will astound the reader by the military stupidity they reveal. Stories ...

Category Non-Fiction
My Pocket of Fears: On Love, Depression, and other Mental Disorders

Discover the raw and unfiltered emotions of love, depression, and mental disorders with My Pocket of Fears. Written by indie author Jonathan C. Ashline, this collection of emotional poems and short stories will take you on a journey through the author's personal experiences and struggles. With 109 pages of powerful and thought-provoking content, this eBook is not for the faint of heart. Prepare to ...

Category Non-Fiction
Dead Men Still Snore

In 2019, on the cusp of early retirement to their lush tropical estate in Belize, Tammy Tyree had it all: a successful hypnotherapy practice, four beautiful children, a brand new grand-baby, and a wonderful marriage to her beloved husband Michael. Life in Belize held the promise of everything she and Michael had dreamed of and had worked so hard to build. Until it all came to a fatal halt in the b ...

Understanding STRESS, the good, the bad, the hidden

Book description: In recent years, there has been a whole new understanding of what stress is. This book is a summary of this knowledge that outlines the medical, psychological and workplace aspects of stress. It deals with many myths and presents the latest research in an easily understandable way. The book describes when and how stress can be harmful – so-called toxic stress – and summarizes new ...

Category Non-Fiction
Home Sweet Home Page

There are 5 Deadly Mistakes that plague the websites of authors, speakers and coaches. Home Sweet Home Page will help you annihilate them so that you can sell more books, book more gigs, and enroll more clients without having to learn coding or web design.

Category Non-Fiction

Service is a calling. When one man answered, he would change lives. Allan J. "Doctor Alonzo" Wind had strong views about futurism and fighting society’s injustices, even as a boy. He was an early Earth Day activist for environmentalism, and political corruption. In college he joined different causes including “No Nukes” and against authoritarian regimes. Despite finishing college with some pend ...

Female Prisoners of World War Two: True stories of 5 incredible women

So often, we remember war heroes as men completing great feats of strength on the battlefield, saving the lives of their fellow soldiers. The stories that are all too often forgotten are those of women. These are true stories of female prisoners of war, courageous nurses taken prisoner while serving in the military to take care of those soldiers. They are the women who risked life and limb to do ...

Life with Ollie: The Story of a Single Narcissistic Parent

This is not a self-help or a how-to book. This is the story of the metamorphosis of a timid, fear filled child who finally blossomed into a warrior. I have many scars that no one can see, but they are healed now. Through these battles to become a warrior, I have helped the wounded souls that have come to me and seen them overcome their demons to stand tall and proud of who they are. It has brought ...

Tails and Purrs for the Heart and Soul

Get ready for heroic acts of devotion, devilish entertainment, unexplainable coincidences, and bold inspiration. From a special four-legged childhood friend to the newest Humane Society adoption during the coronavirus lockdown, Lorilyn reveals the deep and profound bond between animals and her family. As in her award-winning memoir, Children of Dreams, Lorilyn unearths spiritual truths and biblica ...

Category Non-Fiction
Archetypes Made Easy

Are you lacking clarity and direction in your life? Do you feel powerless to change the way you think, feel and act? If so, Archetypes Made Easy is a roadmap for inner empowerment and genuine change. It gives you the tools to transmute internal conflict, self sabotaging behavior and provides you with a clear life path. Barbara-Stone Andrews is a skilled transformation facilitator and archetype spe ...

Category Non-Fiction
Ten Dates

Can her online dating disasters turn into true love? Or will she lose the perfect guy in 10 Dates?

”Lacy’s books are just so darn cozy and wholesome, without being cloying.” WendyTheSuperLibrarian book blog

Lacy Williams is the USA Today bestselling author of the acclaimed Wyoming Legacy and Cowboy Fairytales series.

About 10 Dates:

Single ...

Category Inspirational
An investigation into the Horrifying Case of 'The Smiley Face Killers.'

From Bestselling author Steph Young; An investigation into the Horrifying Case of ' The Smiley Face Killers​ ' For the past 20 years, hundreds of college-aged men have disappeared, silently, soundlessly, vanishing without trace, only to be found some time later, dead in the water, but with no water in their lungs. They did not drown. Some are still missing. They usually have no wounds, no trauma, ...

Category Non-Fiction
The Lies That Bind: An Adoptee's Journey Through Rejection, Redirection, DNA, and Discovery

Born in a California women’s prison in 1963, Laureen Pittman was relinquished for adoption. As a child, Laureen was conditioned to believe that being adopted didn’t matter. So, it didn’t . . . until it did. As with most sealed-records-era adoptions, the truth about Laureen’s birth in a California women’s prison in 1963 was carefully hidden and considered a shameful thing that happened to someone e ...

Category Non-Fiction
Summary of Mating in captivity

The goal of this summary is to assist you in determining whether it is worth your time, money, and effort to read the original book. The summary's contents are not intended to replace the original book; rather, they are designed to aid the reader's understanding. Mating in Captivity (2006) examines the question that every individual in a marital relationship wonders: Is it possible to mainta ...

Category Non-Fiction