Luck of the Irish: A Cozy Mystery Anthology Featured
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Kate Darroch and others
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Ten Tantalising Cozy Mysteries to delight you on Saint Patrick's Day! Sure to make you chuckle, and keep you guessing! Includes the authors' Favorite Saint Patrick's Day Irish Recipes HALF-PRICE on PREORDER, only $1.99. Will be $3.99 on release. Ten authors got together to bring you these super Cozy mysteries, themed around Luck, Saint Patrick's Day and — in rather surprising ways — sometimes leprechauns, too. Some of our authors are well known to you, such as radio celebrity Kathleen Marple Kalb and USA Today listed author C. A. Phipps. Short stories, novellas, and all stops in between! Enjoy dipping into this book whenever you have a few minutes when you can read. Whatever your taste in Cozies, I do not hesitate to say that there's something here for everyone... 100% of book sale proceeds go to the non-profit who help children living in dreadful conditions. Have fun curling up with these Cozy stories and a delicious drink, knowing that just by enjoying these tales you are doing good in the world as well - because 100% of book sales proceeds go to a non-profit helping children living in terrible conditions.