Show up on Google when people are searching for books like yours! Get passive, no effort-required sales all year long!

seoresultsGet your book on Search Engine Optimized (SEO) "best books" articles that appear on Google search results, readers' newsfeeds and AuthorsXP promotions. 

ONLY AUTHORSXP offers this innovative new program!

  1. You pick a genre page or a blockbuster book "twin" from the form below
  2. AXP adds your book to the list on an existing page or creates a new one for you
  3. Searchers find your book through these SEO-optimized pages!

Current available pages are in the form below. Don't see a page you want? Suggest a theme!

See a genre example page or a blockbuster twin page.

How does this work, and what will these lists do for me?

Articles are Search Engine Optimized to show up when readers use Google and other search engines. This works especially well through websites like AuthorsXP, because search engines prefer established, high-ranking authoritative websites over personal sites.

  • This marketing is less "I sold 1000 books today!" and more slow and steady as readers search and find the page each day
  • That being said, you never know when these pages will be featured in a newsfeed, in an AXP newsletter emailing to readers, or as an AXP Facebook ad landing page and get a flurry of hits
  • The topics are highly targeted to grab the attention of valuable genre-specific readers
  • Reach a huge, and will be seen by reader audiences who don't necessarily use book promotion sites to find reads
  • This program is MUCH less expensive than Facebook ads, but like a long-running ad, provides steady views with no pay-per-click costs
  • Get your book on as many of these pages as you want!

Where and for how long will my book be featured on my chosen theme page?

Your book will be featured on this page forever (or until the page/site is removed for some reason - like when I retire a thousand years from now...LOL) If the slot you want is taken, then just come up with another keyword search idea and I'll create a page for you. (books requesting free inclusion may or may not be added and may be removed at any time.)

COSTS RANGE FROM $0-$100 (Listed under "advertising position")


Search Engine Marketing for Authors

OPTION 1: Choose an existing SEO page that matches your book from the checkboxes below.
OPTION 2: Nothing fits? Write in a genre page you'd like to see created.
OPTION 3: If you'd like to be featured on a Twinsies "If you liked X, you'll like my book" page, write in the blockbuster title you book resembles and why you're a match.

(NOTE: You'll only be on one page per submission, but you can pick more than one in case one page's slot is taken.)
Don't see a page theme option that matches your book? Suggest some ideas and I'll create a page for you, based on what my research says will be the most powerful draw!

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