The authors of AXP are always looking for people to Beta-read their works-in-progress. Could that person be you?

AXP Beta Readers receive the occasional special genre-specific opportunities from authors. These assignments range from beta reading (90%) to special missions.

What is a Beta Reader?

A great Beta Reader offers detailed feedback on plot, characters, clarity and pacing - delivered in a timely manner. In short, authors want feedback on a book about to be published before publication. Beta readers are an important part of the publishing process and can make books better!

How to be the Perfect Beta Reader

  1. Be a reader. Love books!
  2. Choose books in genres you like. Authors want to hear from target readers.
  3. Don’t be mean or apathetic. Authors want constructive criticism, not abuse!
  4. The best candidates understand what makes a good book – such as plot and character development, voice, pacing and structure.
  5. Don’t get hung up on typos – these manuscripts often haven’t gone through a professional editor yet.


  • No regular newsletter. You'll be sent requests as they are needed and only to the genres you sign up for.
  • No obligation to finish. If you want to stop, just let the author know you'll be unable to finish and move on!
  • Because the beta readers are the most dedicated readers, you will sometime receive other bonus opportunities to work with authors or weigh in on topics!


AND as a bonus, you’ll be entered in a monthly drawing to win a $20 Amazon gift card! ONE ENTRY FOR EACH BOOK YOU FINISH. Just return here to fill out the form and enter the book(s) you beta read.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, sign up below under your favorite genres to join the ELITE BETA READER CLUB!