Karma Like This
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D. L. Cocchio

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Under a paralyzing spell, things are looking grim for Rachel as she finds herself in quite a predicament. Her ex-best friend Melody has claimed retribution using black magic. Luckily, Rachel’s strong telepathic connection with her boyfriend Billy saves the day when he brings the Psychic Circle group to help. Dealing with Melody is not going to be as easy as they thought. She’s breaking all the rules that could be cause for banishment. Rachel’s visions have been intensifying and permeating her dreams with signs to help resolve the “Melody situation”. Past Life Regression verifies her visions as the key to possibly altering the course of Karma. The psychic war escalates at the Midsummer Night’s Dream Costume Ball where Rachel and Billy enlist the help of Jimmy to help them turn this bad situation around. Can they really change the course of Karma? Or is the saying true – Whatever will be, will be?