Be The Best That You Can Be At Your Sport Through Mind Science
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This book mainly deals with the invisible. It is like what water is to a fish, what air is to a bird and what the mind is to man. By the end of this book it won’t be invisible anymore.
Imagine what it would feel like if you had one of the best coaches in the world, pushing and supporting you all the time.
A coach that when you start to feel the strain on your body and your mind is saying, "Enough. That’s it, no more. You can’t go on." And there in front of you is that last 1OO meters. You have one more minute to go. Then you would hear his/her voice shout in your ear, "You can do it! You can do it! Just one hundred meters to go. Go on! Go on! Keep going. You’ve got this! You can do this! You can do this!" His/her voice would inspire you to give that extra effort, making you feel that you could achieve anything. You will experience a transformation.
This is what the information in this book is going to do for you. You will hear that coach in the back of your mind, all the time, no matter what you try to achieve in your life. It will be a driving force within you that will make you feel so powerful and so in control of your life.
You see when people lose weight, they change form. But no transformation inside has happened. That is why they put it back on. Transformation is the key. It is all an inside job.