The Long Road to Loving Jackson By Alicia Hope


Like Demon Copperhead, The Long Road to Loving Jackson has a rural/western setting and expounds on the themes of self-discovery, second chances, and the power of resilience and enduring hope.

For pro trick rider Abbey, there's trouble at every bend in the road when a tragedy leaves her with a cattle station, a squatter problem, and a chance to make things right.

Set against a backdrop of alluring Australian landscapes, this riveting novel takes readers on an adventure-filled journey of redemption and unexpected romance, along the way proving the steadfast significance of family ties. With authentic characters and captivating scenery infused into the narrative, The Long Road to Loving Jackson is a story that isn't simply read but is experienced.

'... an emotive and enjoyable romantic adventure with plenty of horses and heart, filled with realistic twists and some really neat surprises.' - Readers' Favourite review

Backwards Into the Future by Bronwyn Elsmore
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This is a novel with a strong sense of place – small town New Zealand. It is a growing-up story of two girls from different races by an award-winning author.

Reviews say: “…a beautiful, gentle book, told through the memories of Mary…”

“It is a warm and evocative story, full of misty memories of simpler, sunnier times when children skipped rope, biked around the neighbourhood and went to the movies once a month. It was the era of the Monday washday, home-cooked family meals and the outside dunny…It is essentially a gentle story, with a little mystery in the background. Whether the past will be revealed is another matter. Readers who remember their golden childhoods will love it.”

After the Fog by Kathleen Shoop

After the Fog is set in Donora, Pennsylvania, an area of Northern Appalachia, states away from where Demon Copperhead is set in a more southern section of Appalachia. But, After the Fog is also a small town story where, like Demon Copperhead, its setting acts as a character, shaping the plot and the development of those who people the story.

Set in 1948, After the Fog is inspired by the true event called the Killing Smog, an event that spurred the formation of the EPA and changed the way industrial waste was viewed by citizens and the government.

At its heart, After the Fog chronicles community nurse, Rose Pavlesic's attempt to right her life and save the lives of her friends and family during the devastating five days of fog. For readers who love small town drama and high stakes, After the Fog is a nice historical complement to Demon Copperhead's modern take on the ways one's environment impacts every aspect of their lives--inside and out.

All That Is Hidden
by Laura DeNooyer-Moore
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If you enjoy small town Southern fiction, this 1960s coming-of-age tale about secrets and a father-daughter bond will grab your heart.

In 1968, trouble erupts when northern exploitation threatens Tina Hamilton’s tiny Appalachian town. Her father’s hidden past catches up to him. Are secrets worth the price they cost to keep?

“A beautiful novel, the kind of book that sweeps you up in its story, makes you fall in love with its characters, and breaks your heart along with theirs when they go through suffering.” -–Writer’s Digest

“For fans of historical fiction with heart and soul, All That Is Hidden is a beautiful gem of a book with fascinating characters. This 5 star, one-of-a-kind novel is a book you won’t want to put down.” — Artisan Book Reviews


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