amazon5starI'm going to share a little trick I have to boost my spirits when I need a little happiness. We all need a buoying moment when something is bringing us down about our writing — maybe you're stuck, maybe you're starting to feel like your book isn't going where you hoped, maybe you spotted a bad review that cut you to the core. 

  • Go to your book on Amazon.
  • Hover over the stars under your name until your review panel pops up.
  • Click on 5-Star reviews. That will hop you down to ONLY 5-star reviews.
  • Now, in the "sort by" dropdown there, choose "most recent."
  • Bookmark that page in your browser.

That Bookmarked URL will take you to your latest 5-star review whenever you feel like a boost! You can't use it every day unless you get reviews every day, but every once in a while it's nice to go there and see the latest nice things readers said.