Use Oct. 10-11 Amazon Prime Day to Your Advantage

primeAmazon's Prime Day, where they lower prices on tons of items, is great for sellers but less so for Indie book authors...

Downsides to Prime Day for Authors:

  • Tons of other advertisers jockeying for positions means our Amazon book ads costs go up, while sales usually do not. KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR ADS. I turned mine off for a bit, but if yours are still on and you had high spending limits, you might want to check on those before you go broke!
  • Amazon will be pushing their own books - which they can advertise for free, of course. No advantage there. Nah.
  • Amazon will incentivize readers to spend their limited funds on their books by pushing 3x Kindle Points for purchases and then shoving their books in front of readers. 

How to Use Prime to Your Advantage:

Since advertising on Amazon is so expensive, I decided to do mine on OTHER platforms regular retailers won't be using---namely AuthorsXP and my own newsletter list. I'm sending an email letting readers know they can get 3x Kindle Points for buying MY BOOKS, too! I'm hoping it will be a way to encourage readers who don't love buying full-priced books but don't mind doing it if they can get some other perk. 

This will be my first time trying this, and I'll let you know how it goes! In the meantime, you can send a similar mailing to your newsletter list for free and test this theory yourself, so why not?! Let me know how it goes.