Mitch Davies

Undertow of Loyalty

An accidental spy with good intentions can still get people killed. Because Neil Henberlin wants to help his country, his life turns to chaos. “A great suspense/mystery book that you can’t take your hands off.” – Amazon Review “The suspense is highly palpable and there are plenty of exciting and surprising twists…” – Amazon Review “… great story, suspenseful, multiple unexpected twists, tense and ...

The Inn of Fallen Leaves

In the turmoil of Japan, before the banishment of the samurai class, a disillusioned samurai, Itashima Chobei, is confronted by Akiyama, a samurai on a mysterious errand for his powerful leader. Their conflicted worlds lead to a battle of wits, ego and pursuit. In the middle is a beautiful woman, Miyo, attached to one, coveted by the other. Cho, after having been forced by his clan to perform atro ...